Sunday, December 28, 2014


Hello, and happy Holidays from rosy and Jazzhands! I have some embarressing news to say... That Dr. trayuarus IS actually a real minecraft character. Whoops! My apologies! Now, your holiday present is.... NEWS! I may start a new Minecraft PC as in computer, world where i will build up a catashrophe of villages and cities!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Docs are in da House!

My friend- ScarletBird is her Minecraft PC user- created a world on Minecraft PE on my iPad.
She has very cool modern houses. She also created a lab, and spawned a cute baby villager with a purple robe (priest). When he grew up, he inherited the lab. His name is Dr. Trayuraus (very creative name, ScarletBird!). He also has a wife, another scientist, who lives with him- Dr. Lulu

-Rosy and Jazzy Jazzhands

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Huge post :)

The Hello Pocket Editoners! Jazzy Jazzhands back, with lots 'o fun!!!! First, I have TWO expiriments I made. Then, I will give out Minecraft bookmarks i have also made...

First, find a huge body of water, and create a line of blocks from the land to the center of the large body of water. Add a 3x3 ice platform next to the line:

Now, add fence around the ice platform:

Third, destroy the line of blocks, leaving only the fenced ice platform.

Lastly, spawn an enderman in the cneter of the ice platform...

Your friend teleporting can't help you this time, eh? ; )
The second and last expiriment....
Create a one block tower, at least.. Oh i'd say... 40? Then add ladders on one side:

Got that? Okay, now spawn a chicken at the top of the ladder.

Ta-da! Yes, in way, chickens CAN fly. To look even more like they do, punch the chicken while it goes down the ladder, and it will move away from the tower!

Before I leave, let me show you the bookmarks I have created...

Feel free to print one out, but please do not copy them and put them on a website, Internet, etc. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Obsidian Watchtower

Have you guys heard of the new update on minecraft pocket edition?! Its GREAT! You can play in Creative Mode during night and day. 
Anyway, during one of my bored phases, I created a cool, i guess you could say that, watchtower, made of obsidian!!! 

As you can tell, this was done in Creative mode.
Also, I've made a chicken farm in Happy Face...

I myself am pretty proud of it. I have a To Do List in my house, and so far, I have to sheer some wild sheep, create a leaf house, and make a snow ball throwing game. At the snow ball throwing game, there will be forts and walls and such of snow that you can hide in or behind and throw snowballs at your enemies. There will also be a small track with a minecart that can transport you. At the leaf house, it will be completely made of leafs, which you can get from shearing trees with a shear.  Also, there will be plants and such inside. 
You can see I have lots of ideas to keep me busy. I will post about each once i am done with that project.  During the winter celebrations, i will have a surprise for you all! I honestly dont know what it will be, but I will think about it soon!
Have a (hopefully) warm winter day!
Rosy and Jazzy Jazzhands

Saturday, October 25, 2014

3 little villagers

Welcome back to the place where it all happens: Minecraft Know It All!
In this entry, i will be showing a seed The FABULOUS has told me. Since seeds are suppose to be on seed apps, i will only show you this seed.
Create a world. Choose any name for this world, maybe something flashy or awesome like
JazzyJazzhandsRules, or just a plain "My World". 
Now, tap "Advanced" in the top right corner. The seed name will pop up. Enter 
"johnny appleseed" 
Ta da!
There will be 3 villages as far as the eye can see. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

CREEPY Pumpkins!

One of my beloved Miencraft friends is Shellzipops, who has been to Happy Face a couple of times, and made a house in my Friends Village. Currently, there is two houses: Shellzipops' and another good friend's. My Friends Village is where my friends basically make a  house while in my Happy Face world.
Anywho, she drew a picture today and since it is related to Minecraft AND fall, I thoguht you might enjoy it. Here it is:
What an adorable Creeper pumpkin! We were both able to draw outside even though we sprang up and ran a couple of distances away because once in a while, a bee would come near.
I managed to draw a Creeper pumpkin, too! Although, Shellzipops' is cuter.
I will add on to my drawing to include a:
-Zombie pumpkin
-Spider pumpkin
-Enderman pumpkin
-Skeleton pumpkin
I will post it on this blog and put it as the blog background for this month!
Halloween is in another week! Do you have a Minecraft-themed costume?
Shellzipops and I will be twin Enderman! Here's some pics of our costumes!
NOTICE: One of the Enderman heads is NOT complete. Still working on it ;) 

From Rosy and me, Jazzy Jazzhands,
Have a great day!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello Minecraft Pocket Editoners!

Hello to all those peeps out there who love monsters, building, and other stuff, all in Minecraft! ATTENTION: This is ONLY for people with POCKET EDITION on IPADS OR IPHONES!!
So if you're a X-boxer or a PCer, the club is somewhere else on the Internet. But PocketEditioners, you're in luck :) My Minecraft name is Jazzy Jazzhands and I have decided to create a blog for YOU guys!! :) I will be posting ideas I have made in my "epic" survival world: "Happy Face" and also good times with the other creator of Happy face: The FABULOUS. Sadly, she isn't allowed to type on blogs and stuff, so I'm the only one left. But stick around, and you won't be sorry!

Displaying image.jpg

Displaying image.jpg

<-- Rosy :)

From Jazzy Jazzhands and Rosy the Chicken,